WO? PH Freiburg, grosses weisses Gebaeude Alemannstrasse KGV 103
WANN? 23.Jul 2009i, 18.30 Uhr
Gilad Babchuck wird einen Vortrag ueber demokratische Bildung in Israel halten. Er ist einer der Leiter vom Institut fuer demokratische Bildung in Tel Aviv.
Hier ein kurzer histor. Ueberblick ueber das Institut und seine Taetigkeiten, noch in englisch:
The Institute was established in response to a rising interest for democratic education, sparked by the creation of the democratic school in Hadera 1987 by Jacoov Hecht.
Due to the request by the education department to strengthen democratic values in education, the Institute established various programmes. One helps public schools to implement more democratic structures such as the creation of personal tutoring, regular morning meetings and more choice for students. Here the Institute provides personal educators that help creating the school its unique concept and that guide the school through the process of change. There are other programs where the Institute provides a whole team of specially trained teachers that start working in the school where the change is going to be implemented. A further program run by the Institute is the Greenhouse concept that is included into the regular teaching program at the Kibbutzim College. It allows students next to their regular course studies to find their personal strengths and to create a project concerning education that marks the end of the program and that often turns into a long-term job. This process
is guided by personal tutors. The Institute works in cooperation with the Kibbutzim College, the University of Tel-Aviv and the local council and is supported by the government and additional funding.
Mehr Information unter: www.democratic.co.il
Freitag, 3. Juli 2009
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